12 Feb 2016 Swift: Download a file using NSURLSession location: NSURL) { // see: https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking/issues/1635 // First we
[Deprecated; use AFNetworking-RACExtensions, see the URL below] Make AFNetworking reactive - uasi/AFNetworking-ReactiveCocoa 基于AFNetworking的高阶网络请求管理器. Contribute to wangshiyu13/HLNetworking development by creating an account on GitHub. network request for iOS, based on AFNetworking and GreedJSON - greedlab/GreedNetwork A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework. Contribute to kwarter/Kwarter-AFNetworking development by creating an account on GitHub. 基于AFNetworking 3.0的集约性网络请求API再封装. Contribute to SummerHF/AFNetworking- development by creating an account on GitHub. // Requires AFNetworking to be installed (see https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking) Nsurl *fileUrl = [NSBundle.mainBundle URLForResource:@"file" withExtension:@"jpg"]; NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:fileUrl]; if (!data… AFNetworking - A delightful networking framework for iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS. GitHub - AFNetworking/AFNetworking: A delightful networking framework for iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS.
2017年3月1日 一、AFNetworking设置手动设置header头的UA等参数 //AFNetworking 3.0 AFHTTPSessionManager *manager = [AFHTTPSessionManager manager]; [manager.requestSerializer .vmf, application/vocaltec-media-file. 2016年6月11日 AFNetworking 2.xの使い方」という記事がありますが、決して対抗しているつもりはありません、あまりにカッコいいタイ [ NSURL *filePath = [ NSURL fileURLWithPath: @"file://path/to/image.png" ]; NSURL *url = [ NSURL URLWithString: @"http://example.com/download.zip" ]; AFNetworking 3.0 Migration Guide 16 May 2012 This tutorial will introduce you to the AFNetworking framework while also Your view controller's header file should now look similar to the one below: I've used as a placeholder in the download file attached to this tutorial. Hi reader's,this blog is to use afnetworking to make a server call with the help of api. 3.0'pod 'mbprogresshud', '~> 0.9.2'after writing these lines in pod file install the way:-you can also download the sample project from the link given below:- For the same reason we decided to use AFNetworking library on iOS side. This application will Once all of above is in one file, the script is done and ready to go. We can also download the updated version of seacat-trial.conf from GitHub. 2016年5月15日 AFNetworking网络框架并不是IOS自带的框架,而是第三方的开源框架。它是对NSURLConnection和NSURLSession API的封装,但是目前AFNetworking 3.0已经删除了 14 NSLog(@"File downloaded to: %@", filePath); 15 }]; tasks:表示当前在managed session运行的data, upload, 和download任务;.
Note: A change to the AdMob SDK build configuration resulted in a larger framework file size. This change doesn't affect the SDK's impact on your app size compared to previous versions. // 1 plugins { id "org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.native" version "1.3.0" } components.main { // 2 def productsDir = new File(""absolutePath // 3 targets = ['ios_arm64', 'ios_x64'] // 4 outputKinds = [Executable] // 5 allTargets { linkerOpts… Mantle meets AFNetworking. Contribute to ScottPetit/Maris development by creating an account on GitHub. This is the weekly technical sharing in the company. - gristar/snaillove-sharing-weekly-technical Download and cache image with multithreading, use AFNetworking for core downloading. - folse/FSImageDownloader A simple way to list third-party licenses in your iOS apps - mattwyskiel/LicensesKit 万能API路由通过AOP,KVC,指针入参数等编程思想,实现类,实例方法的任意调用,因为使用指针入参,支持C语言的基本数据类型,oc对象类型,结构体,block块,代理等,通过kvc来实现属性的动态赋值操作。实现大型app任意模块之间的解耦。特别对于大型依赖pod管理开发的组件相互依赖…
This is the weekly technical sharing in the company. - gristar/snaillove-sharing-weekly-technical
AFNetworking 3. Contribute to zjszyms/ZZNetwork development by creating an account on GitHub. A delightful networking framework for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. - AFNetworking/AFNetworking AFNetworking 3.0 Extension for Network Request Logging - AFNetworking/AFNetworkActivityLogger A fastlane setup to deploy Objective-C and Swift frameworks. - AFNetworking/fastlane It has a modular architecture with well-designed, feature-rich APIs that are a joy to use. Perhaps the most important feature of all, however, is the amazing community of developers who use and contribute to AFNetworking every day. Developing iOS REST Applications - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Talk at Codebits 2011
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